In the arena of loving others - as God's commanded us to do, one of the ways the Church expresses it is to give genuine love and kinship to fellow Christians, OR those seeking -who come to church for the first time.
Having moved around so many times in my life, I've spent a lot of time being the "new" person at church. Which isn't fun - you feel so vulnerable and rejected when everyone acts as if you're either not there, or just not human.
I've found that there're 3 categories of people in church
Category A- <1 p="">Those who'd seek out newcomers or just anyone who seems lonely, who look like they don't know anyone. Show them genuine warmth, actually make some effort to get to know them. Seeking to befriend, not just act friendly. [yes, there're lotsa people who can be friendly without actually wanting to be friends with the person] These people would invite the newcomer to lunch, or coffee during the week, or something.
Category B-
Those who wouldn't introduce themselves to the newcomers but would introduce themselves back when the said newcomer introduces oneself, and attempt to make conversation. Perhaps they're just shy and not socially confident enough to introduce themselves to a stranger, but once the ball is rolling, they have a 50-50 chance of actually running with it.
Category C-
Not only does this church-goer never talk to newcomers, and even tries to avoid them and certainly avoid eye contact, but even when said newcomer approaches him and introduces themself, he looks disinterested and makes an excuse [or sometimes, not even!] to leave the conversation to go talk to people he knows. Church is just a social club where he picks the most beneficial/entertaining people to hang with and sticks with them. He probably doesn't understand at all the purpose of meeting with other believers.
No prizes for guessing which category has the least people in it...! I've only ever met 2-3 people of Category A in any church I've been to and shockingly, i've met people in Category C!
By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”John 13:35
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