Friday, December 29, 2006

You know what music I like to listen to while baking? Explosions in the Sky. Seruiosly. Somehow..their music is invoking. it makes me forget the just moves me into action..and i just go on doing and doing..getting lost on another surreal. thr's no stopping. You have to listen to them..each track is just so.. full of emotion. so profoundly...melancholy.

while making giant chocolate chip cookies today i was listening to them, in particular "look into the sky" which is sooo........ it involves the feeling of... uh something like although everything's fallen apart and crumbled, there's hope for tomorrow. yes, this song involves that feeling!! it starts out being kinda smtg terrible's happened and ur whole world has fallen apart..but still admist that feeling of devastation there's hope...there's a little glimmer of hope... so, that's the way the cookie crumbles [sorry, i know that was lame...hahahhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ]
these giant cookies are giant because they're supposed to be chewy. so they HAVE to stay big. if they're made smaller [and i tried] they become crisp.
they're as big as your palm.
price: RM2 each, min order of RM10
weight: i didnt weigh them

Monday, October 09, 2006

Ok this isnt about baking but I just love Vegemite! it's one of my favourite foods... Im just crazy about it! It's so sad we dont have it in I brought a big jar and tube back from Tassie last year but it finished pretty soon. a few months ago Aunt Linda brought me a BIG jar from Melbourne so now I'm getting into that!

I hated it at first but somehow the black gunk just grew on me...I remember seeing my friends devour it on hot slices of buttered toast and soon I was hooked as well. But the first time i tried it, I thought it was like peanut butter so i smeared it on too thick so it tasted horrible! So the trick is to just spread a scraping of it and there MUST be butter or else it wouldnt be nice. There's something about vegemite on toast that gives you that.... high! Oh and it's not just a breakfast thing...i've had it for lunch and dinner and supper too. [Then again i've had cereal and milk for dinner....] Gavin's weird though in that he likes to mix it with hot water to make a "soup" that he floods his rice with. Back when I was working at the hotel, I always had jar of it in case the employee's food was inedible [which is quite often..] then I could just have it with bread.