Friday, November 30, 2007

Kimchi making can be quite a nice community thing to do for some people to get together, get their hands dirty and bond.
i've always loved the stuff and have been known to eat all container full of it in just 2 days. i used to buy them from the asian food shop in hobart but over here they're only available at isetan in KL or koreatown in ampang so i havent been able to gobble any of it yet!! but, look! here's a BIG batch of the lovely red stuff.

starts off with some VERY strong smelling prawn paste. [fermented]

and some.... liquid. no idea what it is.

lotsa cut up stuff . im guessing ...onions, green onions, shredded carrot, ginger, mashed up shrimp,...and a truckload of chilli flakes!!

then, stuff the mashed up mixture between the leaves of the chinese cabbage with salt in between each layer.
keep for 2 weeks before eating.


Anonymous said...

i LOVE kimchi. you can also get them at TEsco, pretty good sometimes, and at Jusco (not so good in my opinion). best is home made. My mum makes kimchi sometimes.Got recipe from Korean friends.
I also love bibimbap and make it sometimes. :)

Elaine Chow said...


I was wondering if you still sell the treats you bake? I bought some stuff from you last year and loved everything!